Wednesday, September 7, 2011

first day of classes!

Hurray for first days! well, this one didn't go *Quite* as expected.

I got to class on time and all, that was fine. It was the part where Bob and Jim started talking about how the schedule was "Completely wrong" that got me worried.

Basically, the "Amazing" software the college uses for online registration decided that the one schedule the teachers created was not right, and it needed to be broken up into two possible schedules. This resulted in teachers and students being double booked, classes being set up at times where the teachers weren't going to be around, and all kinds of great goodies like that.

To top it off, since the admin staff are on strike, the online schedules will not be corrected for a while yet (AKA when the strike is over.)

Luckily, we were able to get the new schedule off of Rod, the new program coordinator. Not nearly as pretty as my original schedule...sigh.

Although, now I get to sleep in on 3 out of 5 days :-D but then again, I'm in class till later on most days D-:

hooray for first day technical difficulties!! maybe tomorrow will be better... 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

School part II: The Return

Alright, so, it's about a week before classes start up and I am ready to go! can't wait! although, apparently the support staff for the college have all gone on strike. hurray.

So what does this mean for me? I have no idea at this point. Trying to find out more info is like trying to pull teeth. Seems like everything should continue as normal...but I have my doubts. At least it's not the faculty on strike, so classes will continue as usual.

I'll update more once more info is released.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pain in the arse!

so, just finished my surgery to rid myself of the evil cyst. Talk about a pain in the arse. hard to walk with the giand bandage and every step, if I step too far pulls at the sore area. Really annoying to get up when I have to go to the bathroom. yay bed-riddenness.

well, it's just the first day. only a matter of time for it to start getting better. guess I'll go get some sleep now, have fun folks! I'm sure I'll post something else later on!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mark correction!

alright, so I have finally worked out the issue with my Ethics mark! I have gotten an 87 for that class! So that brings my over all average up to 83, hurrah!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

more business...

alright, so after the amazing Video Games Live, I did finally get my marks in! Some were a little disappointing (still fighting my Ethics mark) but over all another good semester.
average of 81.75, but like I said still fighting that ethics mark!

CRN# Subject Course Number Course Course Section Credit Hrs. Instructor Grade
20575CS219Communications for TechnologyN/A45.0Angela Morris87A
20653TM207StaticsN/A45.0Jim Zeleny82A
25587MA231Mathematics IIN/A45.0Bert Dube78B
25590TM211Graphics Communications 2N/A45.0Robert Vogt83A
25591TM221A/C Assem. Techn Methods 1N/A45.0Robert Vogt83A
25594TM241Computer Aided Design CATIAN/A
Jim Zeleny88A
25631HU200Contemporary Applied EthicsN/A45.0Leigh Fairbridge77B
25595TM236Machine ShopN/A45.0Jim Zeleny76B

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So, one thing they do at Video Games Live is invite 2 random people on stage to compete at a timed game of Frogger. a minute and a half to post the best score to win the top prize. I was miraculously selected to compete! The person who was chosen to compete against me tried to tear down several parts of the stage/lighting...and frightened one person enough that he bolted out of his seat! the guy, whom I have dubbed "flounder" was walking along a precarious ledge, started falling, so to save himself grabbed the BUNDLE OF WIRES LEADING TO THE LIGHTS hanging about 3 stories above the crowd. Then proceeded to hang of said bundle of lights for about 30 seconds. I thought people were going to die. Then flounder bulldozed his way onto stage jumping on top of speakers, getting tangled in more wires and lights, then almost taking out one of the projectors. I decided if I didn't beat this guy, I would hand in me Nerd card right there. This was our battle:

Video Games Live!

So Ken is awesome and took me to Video Games Live! It was fantastic! They played songs from everything, from Halo to WoW, to Castlevania! The Winnipeg Symphony was great at playing simple pieces like Mega Man, and making them even more epic or taking Final Fantasy and having it sound even better than the game versions! Here's a few pics of some goings on there!